The Programmer Disk
The Programmer Disk (Microforum).iso
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Language is a VB(tm) DOS(R) program that I wrote
with the purpose to make Language-files.
For us -Dutch people- language is enormous important.
When I found two procedures in the CompuServe MSBASIC forum in a
message from Karl W. Stembol, I decided to make life much easier.
Now my programs do not anymore have any language hard-coded, except for
the error-message 'language-module not found' <g>.
Instead, whenever I need a statement, I call a function: Message$(n)
which returns a string from an .LNG-file, which is my language-file.
When I want the program to work in Dutch (which of course is the most
beautiful language in the world <g>), the name of my language-module
is DUTCH.LNG, when I want to use English it is ENGLISH.LNG and so on.
Besides: this way of working saves a lot of valuable memory, because
I don't have any hard-coded fixed strings anymore (I've made all the
form-captions empty).
How does it work?
Language uses
- a large working file (DUTCH.LNO)
- a small -encrypted?- file (DUTCH.LNG)
My applications will work with the .LNG-file, while Language will get
his input from the .LNO-file.
You can make a crunched .LNG-file out of an .LNO-file with Language.
You might want to add an encryption-routine to the routine
OptimizeFile in FORM1.FRM. Don't forget to de-encrypt the
statements in your programs. For instance you can encrypt strings
with the Cipher-routine from PBClone.
But also when you don't encrypt your strings, you better crunch your
.LNO-files to .LNG-files, because they will shrink a lot!
Every time when I change something in my .LNO-files, I crunch the
file immediately to an .LNG-file, so it's always up-to-date.
Add PROGRAM.BAS to your own application. Use StartLNG _before_ you
make any call to Message$(n).
The first five lines will be used as a description of the file, they
won't be encrypted.
If you want to use the language-file to change your menu-items, you
must add a CHR$(0) to the caption. This is a bug in VBDOS.
Public Domain
You can use Language for free. Share it with your colleagues.
I would say Thank You Very Much to Karl W. Stembol, who gave me the
two main routines. I just added a nice screen to it.
If you change something, let me know. Then I can change the same thing
(if useful), so everybody can benefit from your smart ideas.
If you have problems using it, write me too.
You can reach me at:
Or you can write to my company:
CC Advies
PO Box 351
3940 AJ Doorn
the Netherlands
God bless you,
Taco Oosterkamp.